MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Virgo needs rest and relaxation right now. Your Sun and Venus are both hiding out in the twelfth house. This house is not good for high physical energy. Instead it is great for spiritual and artistic energy. So we tend to want to take a nap when a planet like the Sun decides to visit. Venus is also here, but only for the first week of August. On the 6th it changes signs and moves into Virgo and your first house of self. This is a huge blessing. Venus is going to cozy up to your Sun and shine her beautiful light all over you. This is a time for love and romance. If single, then August is a great time to meet someone new. Get out there and accept invitations that are coming to you, because trust me, they are coming. Venus loves people and so expect to be more social than usual right now. You want to be with friends and people you enjoy. You can decide to entertain yourself and have a party, just because. Be a bit careful about spending. Venus loves nice things and doesn't always look at the price tag. Virgo always looks at the price tag but right now you may spend a bit more impulsively than usual. You want to look good and may buy new clothes or jewelry just to be good to yourself.

The only thing I do not care for as much is the fact that on August 3rd, Mercury is going to turn retrograde. Since this is your ruling planet, you may be feeling the effects more than most people. And then on the 16th it will retrograde back into Leo. So projects you want to move forward may run into snags. Be patient. Do the research and the work and then on the 28th when Mercury turns direct once again, that is the time to move forward. You are speaking to your spirit now and a powerful month for higher mind communication.



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