MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Happy Birthday Aries! April may begin a bit slower than The Ram would like and that is because your ruling planet, Mars, is sitting in your twelfth house. This is a private and hidden house in astrology. It is a water house and when a fiery planet like Mars enters here, it is like getting a giant bucket of water thrown all over them. So you do not have access to the strength and force of Mars that you normally do. Do not be surprised if you feel a bit more tired than usual. Listen to your body. If you need to rest, do not try and push trough and tough it out. It is time for peace and quiet. Rest, reflex and you will do much better. Not only is Mars here but Saturn, Venus and Neptune are all here as well. Venus will only stay for the first six days and then shove off. But Saturn and Neptune will be here for the rest of the year. Mars will leave next month. The twelfth house may not be high energy but that doesn't mean that there are not some gold gems to be mined during this period. It is a great time for meditation and spiritual growth. You may decide to enroll in some kind of spiritual development class. Maybe you get a reading or take up Reiki or some other type of energy healing. You want to explore the unknown world now and there are many enjoyable ways to do that. This is also a very artistic area of the chart. If you have any creative talents that you work with, now is the time to take up the paintbrush or write the next chapter of that book.

But be careful of Mercury. Although it is in Aries, your favorite sign, it turns retrograde on the second and stays that way until the 26th.This is when communications may become a bit muddled. Be sure to follow-up on everything and not just assume all is well. Better yet, get it in writing. Keep some kind of documentation if possible.

Money looks good, with both Jupiter and Uranus sitting pretty in your area of income and prosperity, there might be some unexpected but much welcome surprise financial flow. But be warned that there can also be some impulsive shopping and spending. You do not want to be in the position of easy in-easy out in terms of dollars and cents. But this month is when Jupiter and Uranus come together. Lucky you, they are coming together in your area of abundance. So if some extra money comes your way, your job is to be a gracious receiver. You are already pretty generous, now is your time to receive.



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