MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Sweet Cancer may be feeling a bit more tired and discourage than usual. That is because Mars is visiting your twelfth house. Not only that, but Jupiter is already here, also hiding out. This is not a public area of the chart but a quiet and private time. You may not feel like seeing people or being public. Instead you want to stay home and pull the covers over your head. But just because this is a quiet time does not mean it is not a positive time or productive time. We become more aware of who we really are. We look within at ourselves and are now able to see ourself in a new light. A time to let go of old wounds and stop letting them hurt your present life. I love the spiritual aspects of this as they are super powerful and you can have some life-changing moments.

You also have Venus just leaving your second house of wealth and income on the 6th. Then it moves into Virgo and your third house. A good time for any kind of class work. Studying becomes easier and if you do any kind of writing then this is a real gift. It is also a lovely time to spend with brothers and sisters. I don't much like the fact that Mercury is going to turn retrograde on the 5th. If you are doing any traveling then I would suggest leaving extra time and have a backup plan B for delays and snafus. You may go back to learn a subject that you put aside. The Sun stays in your second house almost all month, not leaving until the 23rd. This is going to ensure that you have some extra income coming to you and you will be fine financially. There is also a New Moon here on the 4th and you may come up with some creative idea to increase your prosperity. This is a good time to make financial plans and decisions.



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