MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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I love that Taurus now has both Mars and Jupiter in your second house of prosperity and abundance. It looks like The Bull may be reaping in some extra money right now. Both stay here all month long. You may start a second job or get some kind of raise or bonus. This is a good time to look at investments and future income for retirement or college funds. Gemini is involved here so there may be paperwork that needs to be signed or information that you need to read over. Jupiter will be here until mid-2025, so this new abundance is not going anywhere anytime soon. Just say thank-you. You may also be feeling extra generous and provide a nice gift of some sort to someone special to you.

Lots of energy around home and family right now. Venus begins August in the fourth house, but only stays there for six days and then moves on. Once it goes into Virgo, you are activating fifth house vibes and you want to play and have a good time. Plan a trip of a lifetime and start putting your money aside. Mercury stays here in the fifth house but it turns retrograde on the 5th. An old love may show back up in your life or something about an old relationship crops back up again. On the 16th Mercury retrogrades back into Leo and the fourth house. Your energies are divided between home and family and love, fun and enjoying life. You may feel pulled in two directions but do not be alarmed, it is totally normal given what the planets are doing right now. The Sun stays in Leo until the 23rd and it is a nice time to talk to family members and spend more time with them. You may be in charge in some way or receive some recognition. There is a New Moon here on the 4th, so move ahead with your new ideas. Now is the time.



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