MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Your thoughts and energy are centered around home and family right now. That is because Mars and Jupiter are both visiting your fourth house of home and family. This is a nice energy for bringing people together and maybe even expanding the home and family in some way. This can be adult children coming back home to live or maybe just visit for a long time. And if you are ready to expand your family, then this is a good time for that. You will be feeling very emotional and so do not get thrown if you dig down deep into your subconscious mind. Just do your best to stay in loving vibration. With Mars here, some temper may slip out from time to time. You can say something that you later regret. Do not be afraid to offer a sincere apology if you spoke too quickly.

With Venus and the Sun both sitting in your sixth house you may have your mind on your body and your health. Venus is a great help here and it is a good time to take care of any lingering health issues you have been ignoring or putting off. There is a New Moon here on the 4th and it can help you take some kind of new action to get to feeling better and stronger. This is also a positive energy for work. You might be put on a project you want or receive some praise from your boss. Clients love you and it is a good time to put your ideas forward.

On the 6th Venus moves into Virgo and your area of partnerships. A lovely time for you and your sweetheart to spend some quality time together. But double-check everything. Mercury is retrograde and things may not be as smooth as you would like.



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