MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Be aware that Mercury will be turning retrograde this month from August 5nd to August 28th. This Mercury is also going to show up in your twelfth house. This is an area of inner contemplation and quiet reflection. You, for sure, will be more intuitive than usual when Mercury is here. You may also be going back and picking up some kind of project or idea that you put away for a while. Be careful that you are not beating up on yourself with Mercury here. It is going to fall in the sign of Virgo, and Virgo can be self-critical and judgmental. So be sure to be extra kind to yourself.

Not only is Mercury in your twelfth house, but the Sun will enter this house as well on the 23rd. And as if that is not enough going on, Venus will enter here on the 6th. Lots of stuff happening in this area of the chart. This means that sweet Libra is going to be feeling a bit more tired than usual. It's time to rest and take care of you. A very deep spiritual time of connection to the Divine. But not a lot of energy for running around with the tasks of the day. But a very strong psychic and intuitive period. Listen to that inner voice and maybe keep a dream journal. Your subconscious is speaking to you now and it is your job to listen. This is also a very artistic time so you might want to take an art class or explore some kind of artistic expression.

As Jupiter and Mars team up in your ninth house, you are thinking about classes to take and subjects to teach. This is a positive time for you to share your knowledge with others.



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