MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

Order a reading from Susan


I love the fact that Venus begins the month in your tenth house and is shining bright right there at the top of your chart. I'm sorry to say that Venus will only stay here for the first week of the month, leaving on the 6th for the next house to visit. But use that first week of the month well and talk to your boss, sign up for extra assignments and in general do everything you know how to do, to be noticed and to stand out. The Sun will also stay here for most of August, not leaving until the 23rd. This gives you a nice boost for much of the month. Go after that big client and see how easy you land them. Not only that, but on the 4th, there is a New Moon here as well. You are looking at your career with a new eye and are ready to make some changes that will benefit you now and longer down the road. I love the confidence that this is going to bring to your chart and to your life.

Everyone needs to be aware that on the 5th of the month Mercury will turn retrograde (go backward) and stay that way until the 28th of August. We all get a bit impatient and annoyed when Mercury is retrograde. Computer have glitches and cars make funny noises, appointments get missed and in general our day-to-day life is a bit more challenging. But retrograde Mercury can also bring about some positive energies. In your chart, you may be hearing from old friends that you have not touched base with in some time. You join a group that you didn't have time for before, but now you do.

You also have Jupiter and Mars both in your eighth house of financial matters. A good month for getting a raise or having more money come to you in some way.



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