MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

Order a reading from Susan


Gemini may be feeling extra feisty right now, thanks to the fact that both Mars and Jupiter are in your very own sign of The Twins. Mars pushes us to act, to take a stand. Since Gemini is very verbal, there may be some arguments or differences of opinion happening. Be careful about being so forceful that you upset other people. You may be right, but what does it get you if the other person cannot hear what you are saying? On the other hand, it is a great time to get a speech or write a book or study a new subject. Join the debate club at school and learn how to present ideas in win-win kinds of ways. Jupiter has been here since May and will stay until next year, so you are ready to work with Jupiter energies. This is travel for one and Gemini may be packing your bags and going somewhere fun. And education is still on the horizon as you want to explore new subjects and feed that active Gemini mind.

The Sun and Venus both start off in Leo but on August 6th Venus makes it move and enters the sign of Virgo and your fourth house of home and family. You may be seeing more of family members now as they come to visit or you decide to go see them. Since Venus is here, I think it all goes well and have a nice visit. The Sun stays in the third house until the 23rd. Be careful about buying a new car. This can be an impulsive placement and you go to the car lot to "just look" and walk out with a new truck. But it is a nice time to go on a road trip. There is a New Moon here as well on August 4th and so there can be lots of new ideas and ways of looking at things. Great for writing or speaking in public. But watch out for Mercury. It will turn retrograde on the 5th. Not a good time for home repairs as you may have to do it again.



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