MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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Capricorn is usually at the office but not now. April is all about home and family, so The Goat is closer to home and hearth right now. You begin the month with the Sun and Mercury already in this area. Take note, that Mercury will turn retrograde on April 2nd and stay retrograde until the 26th. When Mercury is retrograde, we can sometimes see old issues come back around again. So there may be some family issues that you thought were settled, but now you are actively dealing with them once again. With this retrograde, it is not a good time to start any kind of remodeling project or having any kind of big work done on the house. You may even discover you need to go back and redo something you thought was done already. And as if all that is not enough, you also have a New Moon Solar Eclipse happening in this same area on the 8th of April. When a New Moon happens, we can experience the effects of this Moon up to three days before the event and three days afterwards. The effects of an Eclipse can show up six months from now, pay attention to what happens this October that may be connected to this event. Family dominates.

But that is not all that is happening right now. You also have four planets visiting your third house this month. You may be on the go more than usual. This house is a restless one and you may have to find a way to juggle different tasks and responsibilities, and it can be challenging. But you may also decide to get out of town for a few days and just get in the car and go. This house is all about cars, trucks and vehicles. If you have new car fever, be careful about going to a car lot alone. For sure, you will walk out with a shiny new set of car keys and a confused expression on your face. But this is also a good time to visit with relatives. So call up siblings and make some plans to get together.

You also have Jupiter and Uranus coming together this month. These two do not hook-up all that often so this can sometimes be dramatic. As they are teaming up in an area of romance and pleasure, this might be great fun. A good time to date and enjoy a strong and active social life. Maybe some fun travel in there somewhere. Have a good time and enjoy.



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