MONTHLY PREDICTIONS.................................................

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April is time for Scorpio to have some fun. Your fifth house of pleasure and fun activities is being highlighted with Mars, Venus, Saturn and Neptune all beginning the month here. Venus moves off on the 6th but Mars, Saturn and Neptune all stay for the entire month of April. This is a good time to explore romance. If you are single, then you are looking for love and may just find it. And if you are already married then you think about finding some time for the two of you to remember what you most love about the other. It is a playful energy and a good time to explore some new hobbies or get back interested in an old one. What do you do for fun? Maybe you invite some friends over for dinner or plan a birthday celebration for a friend.

As Venus moves into Aries and your sixth house, it can bring some good news on the health front. Mercury is here in the sixth house all month. On April 2nd Mercury turns retrograde and will stay that way until April 26th. It can mean an old health issue cropping up again. Or having to go back and redo some health aspect. Since this house is also about work, you may be redoing a project that you thought was totally finished. Make sure you keep all records and try and get things in writing. The Sun is also here until the 20th. It is a time of service to others and you are drawn to giving back in some way. Maybe volunteer at a charity you believe in or offer some help to a friend in need.

The Solar Eclipse of April 8th is also going to fall in this same sixth house. I always say that an Eclipse is like an astrological wormhole, taking us from one reality to a totally new reality in the blink of an eye. So ideas you have had about your work and your future can change overnight. Your diet and exercise regime might also move in some new directions. You are working hard and you have an opportunity to get lots done this month. Do not be afraid to try new things or take your work in a new direction.

The other big news this month is that Jupiter and Uranus meet-up in your seventh house of partners and relationships. Uranus loves change and Jupiter loves making things bigger. As these two come together you and your partner may make some changes in your relationship. Or the two of you can receive some surprising news. Scorpio is not the most flexible sign and now you may have to ask this of yourself to get the most out of these two.



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