Many people think Aquarius
is a water sign. They see the symbol of a woman pouring water out onto the
earth and logically think water. But Aquarius is an air sign. They pour out the
fruits of their ideas and inspiration onto the soil of earth. And these people
share some Divine inspiration! Aquarians are future oriented so they are the
ones who come up with the next big thing and dream BIG dreams of what is
possible. Their minds work on a whole different level than most people's.
That's great if they are your marketing genius but not so good if you need them
to be at a certain place at a certain time. They march to the beat of a
different drummer and sometimes that drummer can lead them into all kinds of
off beat paths. They find everything in life interesting. If you sit next to
them at dinner they will be as fascinated by how to do open heart surgery as
they will about how to put up drywall. If you work with an Aquarian you will
notice that they always seem to be the one raising their hands and asking
questions about the new products. It can be a bit challenging for them to have
a mind that doesn't turn off. They want to share their ideas and if you know an
Aquarius chances are they will be sharing them with you. By the way Aquarius
rules friendship. They seem to know everyone and it doesn't matter if you are
the CEO of a company or the janitor who works there, they treat and think of
everyone as just the same. They are always ready for social change that brings
about equality and justice. The worst thing they can think of is a situation
that is unfair and one they can't change. They believe they can change the
world and they usually end up doing just that even if it is only in their own
small corner. Freedom is another watchword for the sign of the Water Bearer.
They hate to be tied down. Freedom and independence are their rallying cry and
they will decide to order pasta just because everyone else ordered steak. In
terms of dress, speech and lifestyle they want to stand out and be honored for
their own unique self. Wearing hot pink and candy apple red together is no
problem for these folks. Nervous energy seems to crackle around this sign like
no other. Trouble sleeping can happen because of the intensity of their nervous
energy. You have the most brilliant minds at work here and sometimes you have
to allow genius to be just plain goofy!