SIGN OF THE MONTH...................................................
Order a reading from Susan

July 21st - August 20th

Moon 4th Water Cardinal Crab Stomach & Breasts

Think about the Lion, which is the symbol for Leo. The Lion is strong and proud. The King of the jungle. So Leo wants to the the King or Queen of whatever jungle they live in. Leo is not the sign for royalty for nothing. We have people here who are born to rule, and they will usually let you know it. The arrogant sales clerk or society person looking their nose down at you - probably a Leo. It's extremely important for this sign to be recognized. Front and center is where they were born to be. Little Leo's need tons of applause and appreciation. Once they have their ego's fed then they can turn their attention to you. Just because they like being on stage doesn't mean they don't want you with them. This is one of the most generous signs around. I don't know any other sign that has a heart as big as Leo's. If you are lucky enough to have a Leo friend then you know what I'm talking about. This is the person who encourages you to pursue your dreams and let's you know someone believes in you 100%. Their loyalty is legend. They will stick by you no matter what. But whatever you do don't embarrass them. There's that pride again. If they have lettuce stuck in their teeth, be sure to tell them. This is not the sign that will run out of the house with no makeup and yesterday's clothes. When they present themselves to the public they do so on their terms, looking good and being in charge. No one loves being in charge more than Leo. If you're not careful they will boss everyone around, but in such a fun fashion, no one minds. Leo is usually the one to decide where the family will go on vacation and what will be served at Thanksgiving dinner. Being shy and introverted is not their problem. They like getting out and meeting people and they make great salespeople. Everyone loves them. Especially children. Most Leo's love children and interact with them with a kind of childlike simplicity that no one else can duplicate. Most make great teachers or find some other way to share their special joy in life with those around them.


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