
Jupiter in Aries - A Fresh New Start back to blog »

This year (2022) we have the planet Jupiter visiting two very different signs. Since the beginning of the year Jupiter has been in mystical and loving Pisces. But come May 11th this planet waves bye-bye to Pisces and puts its big toe into Aries. A whole different kettle of fish. Pisces is all love and light and Aries is a "you talking to me" kind of energy. This sign does not take any guff from anyone. A very bold sign full of fire and strength. Wherever Aries is in your chart this area is going to light up like the fourth of July during Jupiter's visit. This big planet will stay here until October 28th 2022. Then it moves back for a few weeks into Pisces, where we get to finish up business and get ready for a New Year. On the 20th of December Jupiter moves back into Aries and we start off 2023 with a bang!

As we experience this transition our thoughts, actions and understanding shift dramatically. This can be an extremely positive time for all of us as we find the strength and courage to move forward in ways we may have felt stuck in before. This sign of the zodiac is probably the most courageous of all. The Ram will step up to the fight. They will fight for freedom and liberty but they will almost always stand up and fight for the underdog and those weaker than themselves. So where in your life do wish for more courage? Now is the time we believe in yourself enough to take those first steps to a new life. For many people this change in the heavens will show up with some major shifts and changes in your daily life. But the question becomes how much strength is enough and when do we move past being strong and move into unreasonable anger? If there is one quality that Aries is know for it is their anger. We can blow our top pretty easily when Jupiter visits here. We will have months to get our temper under control. And it not just yelling or screaming that I'm talking about but all the lessor manifestations of anger: annoyance, impatience and irritation. All these qualities are heightened when Aries is strong. Not only can we see ourselves becoming more impatient but we may experience these qualities coming toward us from someone else. Someone gets upset because someone else broke in line and a fight breaks out. Road rage becomes more obvious as we struggle with impatient and dangerous drivers. For sure we will see this on a national and international level. Peace may be a bit harder to come by in Ukraine as we are dealing with energies of fighting and aggression. But it is one of those transits that I get excited about on a personal level even as I may be a bit cautious on a national and international level. We can use this energy to move forward in life in places where we have been afraid for a long time. I LOVE IT!!!

There is a sense of excitement and we are full of possibilities. I do think we will see more travel both domestically and internationally. People want to go, they want to get moving. There is an impatience to say a final good-bye to COVID and set about creating our new normal. Sadly, I still see COVID being with us all year, but we are going to be much more bold about not letting it control our lives.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Wherever it lands is like a huge burst of energy showing up. This planet in Aries is all about new beginnings. We have an opportunity to move away from just thinking about a different future to actually making the change and doing it. These two together bring a boldness that is quite refreshing. The keywords for Jupiter are travel, education and expansion. We are going to see some changes in terms of education, both in the nation and in our personal life. For instance, President Biden has been talking about making some changes to student loans. Whether you are in favor or this or not in favor the fact it is coming up now is all about Jupiter in Aries. On a personal level, you might be thinking of going back to school to get some kind of degree or additional certification. The mind becomes much stronger and eager for new information. Not only are we seeking knowledge to learn but we want to share whatever it is we know. So many of us will become teachers of some kind. Maybe this is a few classes in your home or maybe you get hired by the school system. It can even be writing a book as Jupiter has a strong tone of editing and publishing. We can see changes in the book market.

I love the fact that we will start to see some changes in terms of travel. For two years borders have either been closed or restricted in some way. But now we are going to start to see people ready to travel. Borders may not open up all the way but they will open up part-way. The travel industry should do well these next several months as people are ready to pack their bags and go. They don't much care where. We will see more people travel within the US and more people getting their passport updated and making travel plans for next year. Cabin fever is on the rise and people are ready to take action.

We will see more people working with their individual talents and abilities. Confidence is on the rise and remember that Aries is impulsive. We may see people quite their job on a whim or start up a new business because they feel called to do so. Sometimes acting in the moment is a great thing but sometimes we act before we think and can get into trouble. The challenge with Jupiter moving into this combustible sign is to use the fire of Aries in the best possible way. Wherever Aries is in your chart is the area of life that is getting a bold new look. I'll be writing another article in the next few days that talks about how this Jupiter transit will affect each one of the twelve signs.

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